Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
We are trained in using the Chinese medicine approach where we are able to perform a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) intake and establish an Asian Medicine diagnosis based on your constitutional picture and then design an acupuncture protocol for that. Chinese herbal formulas from a reputable company may be prescribed as well. Acupuncture can help to treat anxiety, depression, menstrual problems, digestion, sleep problems, building immunity, fatigue, and other concerns. Pre-birth acupuncture can also be offered to help with labour.
This involves providing the patient with diet and supplement recommendations using therapeutic doses that will benefit your health and/or meet your health goals.
Homeopathic Medicine
This is where we will prescribe small white pellets based on the principle of “like cures like”. If you were to provide a specific homeopathic remedy to a healthy person, there will develop symptoms associated with that remedy but if you gave that remedy to someone who presented with its characteristic symptoms, the symptoms will be alleviated from the person.
Botanical Medicine
This is the use of herbs in teas, tinctures, or capsules to help treat a variety of conditions from women’s health to digestion to anxiety and depression to immune-related conditions.
Lifestyle Counselling
Dietary, exercise counseling and/or mind-body counseling to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve your health goals. CBT techniques may also be offered but we are not trained CBT therapists.
Physical Medicine
This involves the use of physical medicine, spinal manipulation and/or hydrotherapy to improve circulation, relax muscles, and help with musculoskeletal pain. Hydrotherapy can be used for boosting the immune system as well.
Naturopathic Injection Therapies
Naturopathic injection therapies cover a wide range of injections and include simple intramuscular nutrient injections like vitamin B12/folic acid injections. IV injection therapies and prolotherapy are two other types of injection therapies that are commonly provided among many naturopathic doctors. These can support treating the cause and get nutrients into the bloodstream to tissues faster by bypassing the gut but to truly treat the cause, an ND will recommend this concurrently with other naturopathic treatment options.